Kizomba Masterclass

A Dance of Connection

rich in history and heritage, originating from Angola, Africa

Accelerate your Kizomba journey

Connect with your Partner

Enhance your Lead & Follow skills

Here is your chance to dive deep INTO the wonderful dance called kizomba.

If you search the internet for Kizomba dancing, you’ll find a lot of sensualized movements. That’s not what we teach.

Our teaching style seeks to stay true to the heritage of Kizomba, a dance and music rooted in tradition and danced during difficult times for Angolans.

Although the dance is very “connected”, we like to say it feels like a warm hug and could be danced with family.

We are certified through Kizomba Training Academy. We teach using the Black Belt Dance methodology. It will challenge you no matter what level of Kizomba dancer you are.

Black Belt Dance OKC is the home of OKTA (Oklahoma Kizomba Training Academy).